Monday, March 10, 2014

Midterm # 8 - Selfie-Altering

This is my Midterm # 8, an exercise using the GiMP platform to alter our appearance using the Blur and Smudge tools.... It is a midterm exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at
 Below are a couple of progress screen shots and the final product, I like that my wrinkles are just blurred away...if only this was possible in real life :)
Progress Screenshot 1 - I had a little work done on my left side ;) 
 Progress Screenshot 2 - Who needs Botox when you have Blur ?
Completed Photo :)

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Class 6 Learning Ladder - Gimpin' Ain't Easy - Team 1

Susan B Gimp

Here is my Susan B Dollar using GimP...not very easy ! And not very pretty :) ha ha ah my name is there...somewhere...Sorry Susan

Susan B - Word

Here is my lame attempt at Susan B Anthony on a coin in Word...and a few screen shots to give you a chuckle...
Susan B resized-final

Silver Dollar...Kinda ?

What do you think ?  I have a new version of word and its weird...

Class 5 Assignment 7 - Smithsonian

Here are my screenshots and thoughts on the world thus far...I thought the world had a lot of neat graphics (deer, possum, flowing water, and really cool pier) the scenery was a little strange though.  I tried to "board" the boat but fell to the bottom of the ocean and as you'll see in my screen shots, I somehow couldn't get rid of the Osprey and Fish buttons...overall nice job.

Class 5 - Assignment 6 - Clone-head

For this assignment I chose to get rid of my's typically a source of happiness or grief for most women, but I wouldn't change it...growing gray hairs and all...Got me thining though, if I could change one thing about my appearance what would it be ?????  Models and actresses get to morph into any body type they choose, when you and I, average joe's or joan's stay within the shell we were given.  Take a look at my creepy, clone-head